Elara Experts

Find the right support for your needs

Experts on the Elara portal specialise in women's health and understand female-specific needs.

Dr. Natalie Brown

Medical Advisor &
Menstrual Cycle Expert

Dedicating her life to female health and understanding how the menstrual cycle influences our body. Natalie joined the Elara team to help build solutions based on science.

Stephanie Baker

BANT Certified Nutritionist

BANT registered nutritionist specializing in women's health. With a focus on acne and inflammatory skin conditions, I offer personalized nutrition consults to provide effective dietary interventions and support for optimal skin health.

Jasveer Matharu

Founder & Women's Health Practitioner

Founder of Elara and O.A. Dip. Certified Women's Health Practitioner, Jas has been working to create better solutions for women since 2018, inspired by her personal struggles with female health.

Agnese Fronia

PCOS Expert

PCOS Specialist and Women’s Health Advocate with a background in Pharmacology and Mental Health. Her expertise is further complemented by her personal trainer, yoga, and mindfulness instructor certifications. She provides a holistic approach to PCOS management.

Kathryn McLagan

Transformational Life Coach

Certified and accredited Life Coach offering guidance in self-discovery, empowering confidence, and effective management of life's challenges. Enhance your understanding of values, wants, needs, and perceptions to navigate and succeed in any situation.

Nadia Deen

Sexual Wellness Expert

Sex educator, multidisciplinary designer and content creator delivering reliable information about orgasms and masturbation, allowing women and people with vulvas to become experts in their own sexual pleasure.

Become an Elara Expert.

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